Free-Text Question

Free-text questions do not have answer options, instead the student is expected to formulate the answer themselves. Comprehension answers are graded using text recognition. Single expressions and synonyms are recognized, but grammar will not be graded. Therefore, the question should be constructed so that the student can give short, succinct answers or just keywords.

      A bad example:
      “What do you have to take into account for an X-ray examination?”

      A good example:
      “Which technical examination can be used to see fractures?”

When you choose free-text in the pop-up menu, two input lines will appear in which you can enter the correct answers. The second text field can be used to add as many synonyms as you wish, please click on the red arrow to add a new synonym to the list.
The synonyms will be taken into consideration when the student answer is evaluated. You can get more input lines by choosing the number of lines and then clicking “add”. Lines which are not needed can be left empty or removed using the cross symbol.

Typo tolerance:
You can choose to allow a certain number of typos in the users' answers. The typo tolerance can be set up to allow up to three typos per answer. Please be mindful about the setting of this value, for example if the typo setting is on two, both of the following answers would be considered correct: Hypothereosis and Hyperthyreosis!

More information about this kind of question and didactic advice can be found here.

The rating mechanism can be used to change the following settings: