Multiple-Choice Question

In multiple-choice, you must stipulate how many different possible answers there will be and which one is correct. Choose MC Answer in the pop-up menu, three (A-C) answer boxes will appear. In case you need more answer boxes just select the number from the drop-down menu and click “add”.  Lines which are not needed can be left empty. You can designate an answer to be correct by putting a tick in the checkbox to the left of the answer item.

By ticking the checkbox “Show number of correct answers in player”, the user will get a message saying how many answers are correct (e.g. “3 of 5 answers are correct”). If there is only one correct answer, there will be radio buttons instead of checkboxes.

You can activate must-not-miss answers by marking the boxes on the right (under the exclamation mark). If you use this feature on a wrong answer, it means that the player/student will not get any credit if he chooses this answer, even if he also chooses the correct answer. If you use this feature on the right answer, it means that the player/student will only get full credit if he chooses this answer. Please contact us in case you have any questions concerning this option.

You can find additional information about multiple-choice questions and didactic advice here

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