User Tools

Sending E-Mails

You can send an e-mail to a course participant or a list of participants, as well as to a course tutor:

  • Please enter a subject and an e-mail message.
  • Recipients are all users with valid e-mail addresses that are assigned to a course (or all course tutors).
  • If there are no users with valid e-mail addresses assigned to your course, you cannot send a message.
  • The reply-to address is the address that you have entered on the course info page (first page after opening the course manager). If you want to use a different address, please enter it below the message text box.
  • Click on send to start sending out the e-mails (each participant gets their own e-mail).
  • You will receive a notification as soon as all e-mails have been sent.

Please note that the e-mail will only be sent to users who have confirmed their registration.

Page Tools