User Tools

Course Assignments

On this page you can assign selected users to courses.

You can filter the list of courses according to the following criteria:

  • Display only courses the user is already assigned to
  • Display all available courses
  • Display only courses that are archived and the user is assigned to
  • Filter courses by name (please enter a course name or part of it into the text field)

The list of courses contains the following information:

  • Name of the course
  • Group of the user within a course
  • Course participant Yes/No
  • Reviewer Yes/No
  • Status of course booking (not yet invited, invited, confirmed)
  • Expiration date of booking (if set): After this date the user no longer has access to the course

You can add a user to a course by ticking the “participant” checkbox. The status of the user will automatically be changed to “confirmed”. It is not necessary to send an invitation.

To remove a course assignment, please uncheck the boxes in the participants column.

You can assign review rights to a course participant by ticking the “reviewer” checkbox. The user can then review the cases assigned to that course. By unchecking this box, the user no longer has review rights.

Page Tools