Access is denied even though the login/user name and password entered are correct. Please review the information below:
Are you registering for the first time? If you are registering for the first time, you will receive a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address that you provided. Clicking on the link in the confirmation e-mail or copying it into your browser will enable you to complete your registration. You will not have access until you have confirmed and completed your registration. If you did not receive the confirmation e-mail in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
If you are still unable to locate the email from, try sending a test e-mail from a personal, non-institutional e-mail account or a friend's e-mail account to the e-mail address that you entered. If you do not receive this test e-mail, it indicates that you have a problem with your e-mail account. Confirm that you entered the correct institutional e-mail address and that your inbox is not full. Please contact your e-mail administrator to troubleshoot these problems. If the confirmation e-mail is not delivered and you have successfully received a test message sent from another e-mail account to your account, please contact us through the support form or e-mail To help us resolve your issue, please include a note that you have successfully received messages in your inbox.
Locked account: Access can be denied if an account is locked. An account will automatically be locked if it remains idle for a few years. If you think you have registered in the past and have not accessed CASUS in a while, your account may be locked. Please contact us with the support form or e-mail and we can unlock your account for you.
Other reasons for denied access: Access may be denied for other reasons, as well. Some of these reasons could be: if you are attempting to login to an area of the MedU website that you do not have access to, your institution no longer subscribes to CASUS, or an internal error occurred. If you experience difficulties, please contact us using the support form or by e-mailing We are here to assist you and ask that you provide us with as much information as you can to enable us to resolve any issues you may be experiencing.