User Tools

Course Manager

The CASUS course manager works independently of the platform. The course manager offers the possibility to create groups or courses, to provide access authorizations to individual persons or groups, and also to globally evaluate results through a secure link.

Course manager for course instructors

  • With the CASUS course manager, you can provide access to course content on the internet or intranet to a user group that is defined by you.
  • You can provide authorization to certain persons or groups using access management. The case access authorizations can be personalized and can, for example, govern that external authors, editors and translators only have access to the authoring system, but may not invite users or view statistics.
  • Course instructors can update cases at any time.
  • As an additional function, access to learning activities can be made conditional after (successfully) completing preceding activities.
  • You will receive statistics on how the users viewed the information and how they answered your questions.

Course manager for students

  • After logging in, students will receive an overview of the courses that they are registered for (overview “my courses”) or an alternative homepage, which also displays course news and important deadlines.
  • The student can view a summary of all relevant cases at a glance.
  • The student can switch from one course to another by clicking on the name of the course.
  • The home menu page also enables the student to see which cases he or she has already worked on or completed.

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