User Tools

Quick Guide: Course Manager

The course manager is a CASUS web-based tool, which allows you to create, organize and manage courses. Below is an overview of the features that the course manager offers. For more detailed information, please access the online help during your session.

  • Course list: After logging in, a list of courses will be displayed. On this page you can create new courses, edit or archive existing courses, retrieve course specific evaluation data and search users.
  • Open/close archive: Courses that are no longer needed can be archived or deleted. Archiving courses makes the course unavailable to users; however, archived courses can be restored to be used again or for evaluation purposes. Once deleted, a course cannot be restored.
  • Create/edit course: Creating a new course or editing an existing course can be done using course manager. As an example, some of the options allow you to establish criteria for your course, enter metadata, add users and activate cases.
  • Find user: Administrators are able to search their course database to find users. If a user cannot be located, the course manager enables administrators to invite and add users to a selected course.
  • Evaluate courses: The course manager offers case specific course data that is organized in tables; presented as a diagram; or displayed in a downloadable format. Student case use log data offers time-on-case information, success rates for correct responses, case completion information and reveals student responses.
  • Furthermore, the data can be displayed in a table or as a diagram, which can both be downloaded.

More detailed information about the program can be found in the online help, which is accessible throughout your session.

Important information is also available to you on the login page. Please read the Browser and Cookies information carefully and be sure to enable pop-ups in your browser settings. If you have questions or need assistance, please submit a support request by completing the form provided.

Caution: Please use the course manager navigation only (not the browser navigation). Always use the buttons to quit, close, cancel or save! Otherwise, the database connection might not be closed correctly. If the database connections are not closed correctly, you may not be able to enter the program again for 30 minutes.

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