User Tools

Edit/Create Course

Some course settings are required, they are marked with an * in CASUS.

The following data can be entered:

  • Title: The title of the course appears in the list on the course selection page and is displayed in player mode after having logged in.
  • Course type: The following options are available:
    • Learning course (normal course)
    • Teacher/Instructor course (with special settings for course instructors)
    • Self-assessment course (all cards of cases are available from the start and skipping ahead is permitted.)
    • Guest/demo course (can only be created by admins for each group and gives unregistered guests access to cases.)
  • (External) Comment (optional): This comment will be displayed in player mode for each course participant after they have logged in.
  • Tutor e-mail: As the course tutor, you can enter your e-mail address so that the course participants or system administrators can contact you.
  • Duration of course: The cases are available to the course participants within the time-span entered here. Additionally, you can specify the exact time, at which the course can be opened/closed (under “more options”).
  • Feedback allowed: If you want to allow your course participants to send feedback, please tick this checkbox. A feedback link will automatically appear on each card allowing the user to send his/her feedback. This feedback will be sent to the author of the case (depending on his/her profile, it will also be sent in an e-mail) and is displayed in the authoring system.
  • Allow reset of sessions: If this box is activated, course participants will be able to reset their session (all session data will be deleted during this process and only the last session will be accessible to the course manager).
  • Enable tree navigation: If this option is selected, students will see the case structure as a tree navigation in player mode. Only completed cards will be displayed and are made accessible (linear navigation).


More options (you do not need to change these options for standard courses):

  • Internal comment: Accessible in the course manager.
  • Activate social networking: If you tick this checkbox, users who are online and are working on a case will be displayed for other course participants with their Facebook account (depending on their user profile settings). 
  • Start and end time of your course (only relevant for exam settings) with timezone. If it is not an exam case, please leave this setting blank.
  • Comments allowed (if available): With this function you can allow your course participants and tutors to edit comments for discussion. This should not be combined with the feedback function. You can find more information here.
  • Self registration (if available): If you want to enable this option for your course, all students can register using their university e-mail address. You can define the permissible e-mail domains using the group manager. This is only available if it has been enabled for your group. Please contact us for more information and if you would like to enable this kind of registration.
  • Minimum of required cases: You can determine the minimum number of cases a student must successfully work on in order to pass the course. This number is taken into account for the results table.
  • Show success rate in session summary: When activating this box (activated in default), the users will see their success rate for each case on the session summary page. If it is not activated, only the cards, answer types and overall ratings will be displayed.
  • Show success rate for course tutors: When activating this box (activated in default), the tutors of this course will be able to access the success rates of the course participants. If you do not activate this, only the completed cards, answer types and time-on-task will be accessible .
  • Certificates: This options allows course participants to download a certificate when they fulfill the minimum requirements defined by the course manager. To use this, please define the minimum of required cases and the case criteria, which have to be fulfilled (such as 50% correct answers, etc.). These criteria can be modified under “case criteria”. Certificates can be created for courses or for individual cases.
  • Case rating allowed: The student can rate each case at the end of a session on a five-star scale. The medium ratings of each case are displayed on the case selection page (if more than 10 ratings have been entered).
  • Answers always editable: This option allows students to change their given answers during their case session. Only the last given answer will be saved in the database.
  • Suppress feedback When clicking this option, the students will not receive information about their answer nor will an answer comment be displayed (exam mode).
  • External ID: If your course is related to some other external material (e.g., course booking through external sources), you can enter the ID here. Currently, this is only relevant for CME courses and courses provided by the Virtual University of Bavaria (vhb).

If you have entered all details, please click on save.

If you are an administrator, you can find more options here.

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