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Case Access Manager

On this page you can change the ownership and grants for cases. If you have access to more than one group, you can also change the group that a case is assigned to.

Case search

  • Please select a group or search in all groups that you have access to.
  • You can filter by the name of a case. If you leave this field blank, all cases of this group (or all groups) will be displayed.
  • The radio buttons “groups” or “owners” lets you choose which one you would like to edit.
  • Please click “search” to get the list of matching cases.

ZIP file

As an administrator you are able to download the cases of your group. This ZIP file contains the whole case in MedBiquitous Virtual Patient (MVP) standard format (more information). Please ensure that the Intellectual Property Rights and Data Protection are guaranteed after downloading the file and that no unauthorized persons have access to the data.

Case access

  •  A list of authors for every case: the current owner is selected. Case owners have to be in the same group as the case.
  • You can select as many authors as you want. The selected authors will get access to this case. The list contains all authors of the group to which the case belongs and, if available, all authors of the sub-groups. Select an author from the list and click on the arrow symbol to add him or her to the list of co-authors. Your changes will be saved automatically.

Group assignment

  •  If you have access to more than one group you can change the group assignment of a case. Your changes will be saved automatically when you select another group.

Versioning settings

For details on versioning, please look at the version help page. The table cells display whether the case was copied from another case, is a copy or a newer version and the date, and how long an older version will be accessible in player mode. Click on the link to change the copy flag and date.

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