User Tools

Text Design

Understandable speech

All texts within a case should be short, concise and understandable. Please keep in mind that you are creating a learning text and not a thesis or the like.

  • Explain technical terms and abbreviations according to the prerequisites (education level) of the target group.
    In order to do so, the system provides the following possibilities:
    1. Explanations within the text: Use this option only if it doesn't overload the text and if you want all of your students to read the explanation.
    2. Explanation in a link or inline-link: The advantage of links is that they provide more information without overloading the text. Choose an inline-link for explanations that are very short (e.g. just a synonym).
  • Synonyms: Use these to explain terms that describe the same thing.
  • Length of sentences: Avoid sentences that are too long and connect sentences with meaningful conjunctions (therefore, hence, thus, because, etc.). This facilitates reading and assists the student in acquiring content faster.

Typographical design

This refers to the appearance of the text.

  • Readability of the font: Choose a font size and typeface that makes it comfortable to read on a screen. The system's default font provides good readability, but does not apply to features such as power point slides, figures and images. Thus, please keep this in mind in case you implement these elements into your case.
  • Optically recognizable structure: Structure your text with breaks, headings, listings and accentuations (bold, italic or underlined). This helps the student acquire content more quickly.
  • Less is more: Use only one typeface and economize bold, italic or underlined font.

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